The site is a property that backs up to a preserve area of boggy, natural Florida plants and wildlife. The area on three sides of the house has been tamed into a manicured landscape, and the back is natural. Here are some of the ideas.
This area will be cleaned up and organized by building a pergola and potting bench. This will offer the homeowners a clean work space, and a modicum of shelter and shade. In order to avoid building complications, it will nestle into the space, but not be attached to the house. There will be a paved path leading from this to the new patio outside the rear door.
This is where water erosion is a major issue. The area will become a step-out patio, with a pergola/trellis structure on the adjoining property side to provide some privacy from the neighbors.
Stepping off this new patio area, there will be a series of what I call "bubble steps" leading down the grade to the lower ground. Planting beds will be interspersed into the steps to help create an overall organic shape that fits naturally into the existing landscape. These steps and planters will be created using stacking paver blocks, which you can see from the elevation drawing of the steps and pergola, looking back towards the house. At the bottom of the steps, there is a seating deck with fire pit.
This plan shows how the pergolas and hardscape fit into the site.
And the next drawing shows the planting plan, and the system that will be incorporated underneath the new hardscape elements to carry the rain water down the slope properly.
The plantings will consist of Florida natives and Florida Friendly varieties. Next week we'll look at these selections and talk more about why they were chosen. Questions or thoughts? Don't hesitate to ask!