Footers have been poured for the decorative knee walls that will flank the garden areas.
One of these walls mirror the existing wall on the opposite side of this planting area. This wall was in the original landscape, and the new walls were added with this wall to create an intimate space for the new garden. This is the original wall, cut down and prepped for the pavers that will eventually wrap the wall.
Once the footers were cured, the block is set to the appropriate dimensions. wall had to be dismantled and moved a few inches during construction. It's not unusual to make this sort of adjustment in the field!
And now, the portion of the masonry fence at the property line that was removed to allow construction equipment access has been rebuilt. Great job, as you can see from the interior side of the wall in the picture above and below! The "brick" lines were created by hand!
And more progress has been made at the pool. The planter that flanks the pool at the back corner has been re-worked and capped. Also, the water line tile has all been installed. We love the subtlety of this tile with the pool coping and decking.
Lots of details still to come, but the end is in sight. More interior shots next time!