In order to block the view to the neighbors and still allow adequate air-flow on the porch and balcony, these beautiful trellis treatments were created. Remember, "blocking the view" doesn't necessarily mean a solid wall, or thick hedge. We can actually trick the eye by putting up a partial barrier, and you won't pay attention to what's beyond.
This same idea can be used to top a solid fence. In our neighborhood, we have a 6' maximum fence height rule. But, we are not restricted from putting something such as open trellis above that. This in itself may be adequate to stop your eye, or of course plants can be grown onto the fence and trellis for a more complete block.
In our own garden, we let the vines grow on the fence, but I really like to keep the rusted iron trellis pieces bare. I have the hardest time getting Chip out there to do this trimming...I mean, it's the only thing I ask! Well, almost.
I really like the trellis.