Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And Then There Were Furnishings

We've watched this project through the reconstruction phases, and now it's time to take a look at the end results!

You'll remember from past postings about this project that the renovation here was done by "remote". The homeowners were up north during the process, making the occasional visit to check on progress. When work was almost complete, they had a truck loaded with their furniture and accessories, loaded up the dogs in their car, and made their way to Tampa. Their wonderful designer, Connie DeGood of Chagrin Falls, Ohio flew down to help make it all happen. Connie has worked with these homeowners for years on several other homes, and knows their furnishings--and taste--well. I happened to see the house one Friday, empty, and was invited to a dinner party there the following Friday. Well, this is what I had the great opportunity to walk into!

These are the views just inside the front door! Inviting entry hallway, formal dining room and living room. And this is just a taste of their wonderful art collection.

I see this home as a tribute to many things, but especially a good design and build team. Yes, I know...you're worried that I may have broken an arm patting myself on the back. (And after that rotator cuff surgery, believe me it could happen!!) But seriously, we hope that this project is an indicator of why designers are important in a renovation project. (And besides, I'm administrative here. I'm really patting the team on the back!)

A good designer starts by working very closely with the homeowners to discern their desires, their tastes and needs. An even better designer will also anticipate needs that the homeowner may not mention, and design accordingly. That comes from experience. A good builder then takes the project through the next phases, and an even better builder will consult with the designer to make sure that the design is executed precisely according to the plans.

Then, with the aid of a wonderful designer like Connie, the final layer is applied to bring the space to life. Furnishings, lighting, art...these are what make a house a home, in my opinion. So, welcome to your new home!

Have I whet your appetite? More pictures to follow.


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